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  • By: Adam Whitley-Sebti, Esq.

Injured woman holding neck after accident, highlighting documenting injuries after an accidentIn this article, you can discover…

  • When to seek medical attention after an accident.
  • How detailed medical records will help your claim.
  • The importance of recovery plans to a personal injury case.

 Should I Still Seek Medical Attention If I’m In An Accident But Don’t Feel Any Pain?

Absolutely. Following an accident, large quantities of adrenaline and endorphins rush through your system to help your body handle stress. This causes a numbing effect that can prevent you from feeling pain for days. As a result, many clients report to the police that they feel fine at the accident scene.

Be sure to get medical treatment right away, even if you don’t feel any pain. Many injuries are not immediately obvious and can worsen quickly if not detected and treated. Immediate medical treatment also helps document injuries and prove a connection between your emerging pain and the accident.

What Is The First Thing I Should Do When I Realize I’m In Pain?

Keep a pain journal. It’s easy to forget exact experiences or the date you first noticed neck or back pain, so keeping a record day-by-day is helpful. What should you include in your daily entries?

  • Document the location of the pain and its movement, such as pain radiating or traveling.
  • Note the severity of pain on a 1 to 10 scale.
  • Record times of day when the pain feels worse, such as when first waking up.
  • Note if the pain is a shooting, stabbing, or throbbing pain.
  • Record any movements or activities that make the pain worse.
  • Note any immediate treatments you’ve tried (such as a heating pad) and describe if they’re effective or ineffective.

Having all of this information on hand is going to be an immense help when you see a doctor for a diagnosis – and knowing what treatments you’ve already tried will help your doctor develop a more focused, effective care plan for you. Remember, get to a doctor as soon as possible, and don’t try to treat the pain by yourself at home.

How Is Maintaining A Detailed Medical Record Crucial For Supporting My Personal Injury Claim?

Medical records are the single most important part of any personal injury claim. Medical records provide irrefutable proof that you were injured, the extent of your injuries, their possible long-term effects, and their medical costs.

Medical records are also going to help determine your damages and prove your injury’s connection to the accident. Insurance companies do not care if you or your attorney verbally tell them that you’ve been injured. They will care and take notice if they receive documentation from a physician stating that you are experiencing pain and have sought treatment for your injuries.

What Are The Consequences Of Not Following My Medical Professional’s Recovery Plan?

Insurance companies have a myriad of tactics to try to deny, minimize, or limit your claim. One of their favorite methods is minimizing your injuries by trying to prove that your injuries are not that serious.

If you quit your treatment plan or miss multiple appointments, the insurance company will now have ammunition to deny your claim, arguing that a truly injured person would have kept their appointments and stuck with treatment. Don’t jeopardize your case; follow your doctor’s recommendations and keep your appointments.

How We Approach Clients Like You

One of the main things that we do is to stay in constant contact with clients about their medical treatment, treatment plans, and the best course of action for them to take.

This helps me know if a client is missing appointments and lets me ask what is happening. I’m able to contact them and ask, Hey, what’s going on? Are you having trouble with transportation? Are you having trouble with childcare? Let’s find solutions that help you keep those appointments.

If you’re missing appointments or leaving treatment early, we can help you get back on track and find solutions that work for you and your family. We understand ahead of time every tactic that the insurance companies might use to deny your claim, and we can fight back effectively.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started? For more information on Documenting Your Injuries After An Accident In New Orleans, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (504) 370-2777 today.

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